03.2014, Uludağ Economy Summit Investing in Turkey: Risks and Opportunities

03.2014, Uludağ Economy Summit Investing in Turkey: Risks and Opportunities

The panel themed “Investment to Turkey: Risk and Opportunities” was held in Uludağ Economy Summit moderated by Cuneyd Zapsu.

In the session, as a speaker; TPG Capital Partner and Senior Consultant Vincenzo Morelli, Rosatom Overseas Countries Vice President Anastasia Zoteeva, Turkey Exporters Assembly President Mehmet Büyükekşi, Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency President Ilker Ayci, Burgan Bank Group CEO Eduardo Eguren, PCE International Europe, the Mediterranean and America Regions CEO David Antonis Yang was featured.

Topics, such as “Is it ok to make an investment in Turkey? What are the opportunities for investment in Turkey, what are the risks? As the private sector, what should we do for investment, what can we recommend? ” were discussed by the speakers.
